Dump fll/dll informations from file



This tool create dump file from any FLL file and has two parts. First part (dumpfll.prg) create dump object from FLL file. Second part (dumpfll2txt.prg) create dump file from dump object. Third part (dumpfll2txt.prg) create special dump file from dump object about FLL functions. In standard dump file are stores

DO dumpfll WITH "l:\foxtools.fll",loDump && Create dump object
DO dumpfll2txt WITH "l:\foxtools.dump",loDump && Save informations from dump object to text file

Wish List

BUG List

DumpFLL 0.0.4

 (released on 2005-08-28)

Final version - source code.

Fix List

DumpFLL 0.0.3

 (released on 2005-08-25)

Final version - source code.

Fix List

DumpFLL 0.0.2

 (released on 2005-01-23)

Final version - source code.

Fix List

DumpFLL 0.0.1

 (released on 2005-01-08)

Final version - source code.