Friendly Projects

General Description

This list is only to use for generation of HTML documentation of VFP projects sharing files.

If projects share files, there is no need for HTML documentation to be generated repeatedly for each VFP project. Using the file list makes generation of HTML documentation more efficient.

Once the file list is defined, links of all files and classes of VCX libraries, and PRG files are generated from friendly PDM projects and from the main PDM project (this may take a while). HTML documentation of the main PDM project is generated next. Files which are not processed try to find links in anchor list. If a link is found, it is used automatically.

When processing a list of PDM projects

This ensures the creation of complete HTML documentation of VFP projects not only in tree reference but also in cross reference.

a) Tree Reference
Framework project contains classes using either mutually independent projects (diagram a) or one-way dependent (diagram b).

a)	   FrameWork			b)	  FrameWork
	     |				  	|
  	     |					|
 	 -----------------			-----------------
 	 | 	  	 |		 	| 	 	|
     |		 | 			|		|
   Warehouses  Customs Protocols	   Warehouses <--- Companies
b) Cross Reference
Framework project contains mutually dependent projects sharing classes.
 	 | 	  	 |	
     |		 | 	
   Warehouses <----->Rental Service

Objects Description

File list PDM friendly files list.
Enables a friendly PDM project to be added to the list.
Removes a friendly PDM project from the list.