Project Documenting Machine

PDM is a tool which helps you to create a complete HTML documentation of your Visual FoxPro project. It creates a detailed description of all databases, classes, forms, programs, reports and labeles. It is written in VFP.
The main features of PDM are shown in the Tastrade example (Tastrade example CHM help) and using AB's plugins (AB's plugins CHM help).


Wish List

BUG List

Hot Build

PDM 1.3.1, Source code2011-12-21
PDM 1.3.0, Source code2011-03-17
PDM 1.2.2, Source code2007-08-31
PDM 1.2.2, Normal build for VFP 9.0
(please, set correct code page in config.fpw, the default is 1250)
PDM 1.2.2, Source code2006-11-23
PDM 1.2.1, Source code2006-06-03
PDM 1.2.1, Source code2006-05-27
PDM 1.2.0, Source code2005-08-18
PDM 1.2.0, Source code2005-08-17
PDM 1.2.0, Source code2005-08-11
PDM 1.2.0, Source code2005-06-28night build
PDM 1.2.0, Source code2005-06-27
PDM 1.2.0, Normal build for VFP 7.02005-06-27

Questions and Answers

How build PMD exe?

  1. DO [Path\]setsenv.prg
  2. BUILD EXE pdm.exe FROM pdm.pjx
  3. COMPILE "plug-in\*.prg"
    COMPILE "plug-in\sc_mhhtml\*.prg"
    COMPILE "plug-in\ab_plugin\*.prg"

How run PMD from source code?

  1. DO [Path\]setsenv.prg
  2. COMPILE "plug-in\*.prg"
    COMPILE "plug-in\sc_mhhtml\*.prg"
    COMPILE "plug-in\ab_plugin\*.prg"
  3. DO go.prg

How can I use PDM for only syntax coloring?

  1. DO [Path\]setsenv.prg
  2. * Copy source code to memmory variable _CLIPTEXT
  3. DO gosc.prg WITH _CLIPTEXT
  4. * output xhtml is in memmory variable _CLIPTEXT
  5. * needed base CSS classes are in file plug-in\sc_mhhtml\base.css

I have any problem. What is next step?

(If you cannot open window, I can't help you. Really.)
Because I don't know what is problem and I don't know your HW/SW configuration, VFP projects, files etc. then... You must define what and where is problem...

1) Files PDM.log & PDMErr.log
PDM create files PDM.log and PDMErr.log at processing. File PDM.log contain log message (warnings and debug message). File PDMErr.log contain error message and his detail information.
2) New keys ErrToDebug,LogToDebug & Coverage in file PDM.ini
(The min. version is PDM 1.2.1 source code from 2006-06-03.) If you want redirect output log nad error message to OS debuger set value to 1 of keys ErrToDebug,LogToDebug. Key ErrToDebug is for error message. Key LogToDebug is for warning and debug message.
Key Coverage is file name for command SET COVERAGE TO. Coverage file is creates for each generating documentation.
3) Own debug message - modifying source code
PDMs object has method WriteToLogFile(). If variable loPDMs doesn't define, don't panic. You can try create local reference: loPDMs=EVAL(This.cPDMs). If property cPDMs doesn't exist, you can use public variable poPDMs.

I have VFP 6.0 and at running I got error message "Class definition SESSION is not found"

The minimal configuration is Visual FoxPro 6.0 with Service Pack 3. This SP contain needly class "SESSION".

PDM 1.2.3

 (released on 2007-09-01)
Visual Foxpro 6.0Visual Foxpro 7.0
Debug EXEdownload Debug EXEdownload
EXEdownload EXEdownload
Visual Foxpro 8.0Visual Foxpro 9.0
Debug EXEdownload Debug EXEdownload
EXEdownload EXEdownload
Source Code
HTML documentationdownload

Fix List

New List

PDM 1.2.0

 (released on 2005-06-24)
Visual Foxpro 6.0Visual Foxpro 7.0
Debug EXEdownload Debug EXEdownload
EXEdownload EXEdownload
Visual Foxpro 8.0Visual Foxpro 9.0
Debug EXEdownload Debug EXEdownload
EXEdownload EXEdownload
Source Code
HTML documentationdownload

Fix List

New List

Changes List

Experimental List

PDM 1.1.2

 (released on 2004-10-25)
Visual Foxpro 6.0Visual Foxpro 7.0
Debug EXEdownload Debug EXEdownload
EXEdownload EXEdownload
Visual Foxpro 8.0Visual Foxpro 9.0
Debug EXEdownload Debug EXEdownload
EXEdownload EXEdownload
Source Code
HTML documentationdownload

Fix List

New List